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UniPartners Tilburg


UniPartners Tilburg, that’s us! An ambitious and dynamic academic consultancy bureau based on the campus of Tilburg University.


What can we offer you as a student? First of all, you can become a student consultant! Solve a challenging issue and, with your knowledge, assist a company in the Tilburg area. Want to gain experience with sales or marketing? Take a look at our committees. Not challenging enough? A board year at UniPartners is not only extremely challenging but also part of a vibrant network of ambitious students. An experience you will remember the rest of your life!


What we can offer you as a company? Our student can bring the latest academic knowledge to your company and support you with your challenges or projects. Our students can take on much; marketing and HR challenges, but also supply chain or legal issues. Herein, we take on the project management, making sure the result is in line with your wishes.


In short, UniPartners Tilburg can provide a lot of value for both students and companies! As a student, you can sign up below or stop by our office to grab a cup of coffee; we are there every day from 9 to 5. As a company, you can submit a project request below, to find out what UniPartners Tilburg can offer your business. We will gladly share our UniPartners-story with you! At the bottom of this page, you can also find answers to the most-asked questions about UniPartners.


Adress: Warandelaan 2, Room T.616, TIAS Building
Telephone: +31 (0)13 466 8085

Student sign up Project request


Selection of advanced planning software
Vestiging Tilburg | IT & Data
Work on a central planning system for inventory allocation within an internationally growing company
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S&OP Process Description
Vestiging Tilburg | Financieel
Do you want work on the S&OP process description of an international company?
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Content Creation (Swedish)
Vestiging Tilburg | Financieel
Would you like to get started with writing (your own) 7 Swedish SEO texts?
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Our board has been working hard since 1997 to give Tilburg students the opportunity to gain experience in the business world. We believe that students who challenge and develop themselves are of great added value to the labor market.

Eva van Uden
My name is Eva van Uden and this year I am the General Manager of UniPartners Tilburg. In this role I will focus on the coordination, motivation and support of the board, the general policy and the long-term vision. Next to that, I participate in the nationwide meeting of General Managers and I am responsible for the contact with several external parties in Tilburg. I chose to do a board year at UniPartners Tilburg because I thought it would be a very nice challenge. During this year I can expand my network and take a look in the business world, while still feeling like a real student. My fellow board members and I are going to make this a great year!
Sam van Es
Quality Manager
My name is Sam van Es, and this year I will take on the role of Quality Manager within the board of UniPartners Tilburg. This implies I will mainly focus on increasing the quality of the outcomes of UniPartners Tilburg. Furthermore, my function includes the tasks of vice-chairwoman, secretary and IT-manager. I chose for UniPartners because I want to gain practical experience in between my academic bachelor and master, while still working with students. Moreover, UniPartners is the ideal opportunity to develop myself personally and expand my network. I am looking forward to this joyful and educational year together with my fellow board members!
Oliver Zimmerman
Financial Manager
My name is Oliver Zimmerman and next year I will hold the position of financial manager within UniPartners Tilburg. As financial manager I am responsible for the accountancy, remuneration and ensuring a financially sustainable organization. During my bachelor Business Economics I lacked practical experience, a board year at UniPartners gives me the opportunity to apply my theoretical knowledge in practice. UniPartners also offers the opportunity to develop on a personal level, in the form of various training courses. Partly because of this, I am very much looking forward to this new challenge!
Joren van Baars
PR Manager
My name is Joren van Baars and during the upcoming year I will fulfill the role of PR-Manager at UniPartners Tilburg. During my bachelor International Business Administration, I came to the realization that I have great affinity with marketing, which aligns with the role of PR-Manager. On top of that, I decided it was time for me to start a new challenge that offers on hands experience, such as UniPartners Tilburg offers. My main responsibilities as PR-Manager include increasing brand awareness among students and firms, as well as managing our social media channels. In addition to that, I will guide our student consultants in our projects. I am looking forward to start this challenge with my fellow board members!
Tessa van der Aa
HR Manager
Hi! My name is Tessa van der Aa and I'm 21 years old. At the end of my third year Dutch Law I have decided to start this adventure at UniPartners Tilburg. I have chosen for this board year because I wanted to do something else than study for a while, and because this is an amazing opportunity to gain work experience as a student. This year I hold the position of HR-Manager, where I am responsible for the recruitment and selection of student consultants as well as board and committee members within UniParters Tilburg. In addition, I am the person committed to the professional and personal development of the board, and I am responsible for organizing and providing trainings for and by UniPartners Tilburg board. I am really looking forward to this challenge together with my fellow board members!
Puck Bongenaar
Sales and Account Manager
Hi! My name is Puck Bongenaar and this year I will hold the position of Sales & Account Manager at UniPartners Tilburg. After completing the Bachelor of Economics & Business Economics, it is time for a new challenge. I would like to gain more practical experience before I start a master's and that is why a part-time board year at UniPartners is the ideal way to fill in a gap year. As Sales & Account Manager I will be responsible for acquisition and networking. This includes increasing our brand awareness and acquiring new projects. The board year offers me the opportunity to develop myself personally and professionally. I am really looking forward to the upcoming year together with my fellow board members!
Fraukje Geelen
HRD and Event Manager
Hi! I am Fraukje Geelen and since February I have been filling the position of HRD- & Event Manager. I am responsible for organizing both internal and external events. Together with the HR-manager I am also responsible for the development of both the board and the committees. UniPartners offers me the opportunity to gain relevant practical experience. Especially a board year at UniPartners appealed to me because at the same time I can dedicate myself to offer other students practical experience as well. In addition to UniPartners, I am completing my master's degree in Human Resource Studies. I look forward to working with my fellow board members!

Advisory Board


Our advisory board consists of a diverse team of entrepreneurs, that find themselves in the middle of the business life of Tilburg. All of them have different perspectives and expertises. The members of this Board provide us with valuable advice!

Marc Heuvelmans
“Knowledge is power”. Every entrepreneur knows it. This may be a big part of why more and more entrepreneurs come to UniPartners Tilburg.

The board of UniPartners endeavours to find interesting projects for students of Tilburg University, which are executed for a fair price at companies. For students this is a unique chance to gain experience at companies, while for entrepreneurs this is a unique chance to gain university knowledge in an accessible way. Who does not want to profit from that? That is why there is an Advisory Board that assists the UniPartners board with networking opportunities and contacts. The output our students create is the input for your new ideas!
Rien van Linschoten
Brabo Horeca Group
Students have a different look on things. They approach things from a different perspective. Younger, fresher, more open-minded, more flexible and with a lot of enthusiasm.

I have worked with students for more than 25 years and have been a member of the Advisory Board of UniPartners for several years. UniPartners students have a professional approach, which gives them an advantage over other students. They are united under the UniPartners umbrella and have direct access to the most recent academic knowledge. In all areas.

The students that UniPartners offers always manage to bring their academic knowledge to businesses. Tilburg is a distribution city, and with the help of UniPartners, it is also a city of knowledge distribution.
Bas Kapitein
Managing Director Midpoint Brabant
Midpoint Brabant strives for – from the Centre of Brabant – regional innovation that leads to economic growth with societal benefits. Herein, we cooperate closely with business, education, government and societal partners. Midpoint Brabant can be more than happy with a region where partners with such broad knowledge and expertise are present. UniPartners Tilburg is such a partner! We have gotten to know UniPartners as a bureau with knowledgeable and ambitious student consultants.

We work to achieve a region that excels in applying innovations in practice, preferably in experimental settings. This is in line with what UniPartners does: give students the opportunity to prove their worth in projects in the working environment of business. By solving broad sets of questions and challenges, UniPartners Tilburg contributes to the growth of the Heart of Brabant and to innovations that have an effect outside of the region too.

With the help of UniPartners we work together for a smart, sustainable economy and society.

Dream it. Do it. Make it. From the Heart of Brabant.
Linda van Hoof
Partner at Van Boekel Accountants & Advisors
My name is Linda van Hoof-van der Schoot. I have been a student at Tilburg University myself, and since 2004 I have been a partner of Van Boekel Accountants and Advisors. Before that, I worked at PwC in the field of international audits, but I wanted to be more involved with medium- and small-sized businesses. We support these entrepreneurs in issues of accountancy, fiscal, takeovers and mergers, but also in issues of payroll/HRM. The dynamic of medium- and small-sized businesses is challenging and bringing together students and businesses is crucial.

UniPartners Tilburg searches for projects at these kinds of businesses, and ensures that students are able to bring their expertise into practice. This connects theory and practice.
Bart Heerkens
Manager Business Development at HVB Groep
Bas Snels
Director Stapelfinancieringen B.V.
UniPartners Tilburg allows students of Tilburg University to gain real-world experience at businesses in Tilburg through the execution of an assignment or project. This allows businesses to introduce young academics to their company, and let them execute an assignment or project. Think of: marketing plans, lean projects, digitalization, legal questions, etc. This benefits both parties, and that is why I am eager to support UniPartners.
Kim Ardon
Teamleader External and Campus Communication at Tilburg University
As team leader corporate communication at Tilburg University, I am responsible for the appearance of the university with all target groups. This is a great challenge at an organization that is constantly changing and stands in the middle of society. Making society better for citizens, that is what drives us. Who wants to understand society, has to actively and consciously be involved with it. That is why we educate our 17.000 students of over 100 nationalities to be Tilburg University-shaped professionals: responsible and entrepreneurial thinkers that are able to innovatively exert influence and shape a quickly changing society.

This connects seamlessly with the mission and activities of UniPartners Tilburg. As a member of the Advisory Board, I gladly contribute to this.
Michel Stoops
Co-Owner Logistic Force Tilburg/Waalwijk
In our city – the logistical hotspot of the Netherlands – there is of course a host of logistical activity. With my broad logistical experience and expertise, I was asked to take place in the Advisory Board of UniPartners Tilburg. We expect a lot of logistical companies to offer projects to students of Tilburg University of UniPartners. I will use my network to put the UniPartners brand on the market.

It is great to guide a new generation in the world outside of the University.
Maarten Wolters
CFO Pondres
I am Maarten Wolters and since May of 2018 I am the CFO and co-owner of Pondres. Pondres has a long history in Tilburg and is active in the area of personalised, effective customer communication and distribution. I believe in the power of the local network economy and have work experience abroad, in which I have been able to see to which appealing results this can lead to.

To show students how fun it can be to work in an SME, we have started with internships and a student pool. Besides that, further research is being done to see what could move students to choose for a career start in an SME in Tilburg. Herein, I have experience myself what the benefit of UniPartners is. Additionally, it is a nice combination to let students gain experience and use their knowledge and insights to further strengthen the SME’s of Tilburg.
Niels van Stappershoef
Party leader of VVD Tilburg
As a councilor and party leader for the VVD of Tilburg, I think it is extremely important that we know how to link our students to the entrepreneurs of the municipality of Tilburg. As a former university student, I know that the emphasis is often on larger companies from Amsterdam and Rotterdam. And that is a missed opportunity for Tilburg. Our region has a strong SME sector where (graduated) talent can also go. This would be a win-win for both parties. In addition to this cross-fertilization between students (education) and entrepreneurs (business), I think it is important that students can develop themselves and grow into the best version of themselves. I did this myself during my studies in various board positions, and by following the government traineeship I also gained more insight into a good connection between education and work. Based on that knowledge and experience, supplemented with a broader network in politics and within entrepreneurial Tilburg, I think I can be of added value to the Advisory Council.
Marc Meeuwis
Director Citymarketing Tilburg
Started in Tilburg as a law student, graduated and now working as director of City Marketing Tilburg, where I deal with the question: "how do we get more people to choose Tilburg?"
Our team also brings Tilburg and all its possibilities to the attention of students and entrepreneurs.
The DNA of Tilburg: a city in which we are there for each other, enter into experiments and thus continue to create in all kinds of areas is truly unique.
I am a connector and think in terms of opportunities and concepts.
Besides city marketing I work as a musician and because of the many side activities in and around the city I have a large network.
I would like to help UniPartners Tilburg in their development and visibility!
Con van Rijswijk
Founder Itlinx
Under the motto youth is the future, I approached two young guys during a networking event, curious about their story. Both gentlemen turned out to be from UniPartners - a startup I thought at the time - and offered them a cup of coffee at my office. That turned out to be a very pleasant introduction during which I got to know UniPartners better. In that conversation I spontaneously offered my help as a sparring partner and I joined the Advisory Board of UniPartners Tilburg.

Frequently asked questions by companies about UniPartners


1. What kind of projects can UniPartners take up for us?

Tilburg University offers a lot of studies, which means that we can take up a wide variety of projects. Examples of this are legal researches, marketing plans, financial analyses, supply chain-projects and HR or organisational questions. Through our close cooperation with other UniPartners branches, we can also offer students from different cities, with different expertises.


2. On average, how long does a project take?

This differs per project, as we always strive to deliver the highest quality possible. We add a time schedule to our offers, so organisations know how long the project will approximately take. On average, a student puts 10-12 hours per week into the project, but there is also a possibility to place two students on a project.


3. Why should we choose for UniPartners and what is the difference with an intern?

Our intention, as UniPartners, is to take work off of the hands of the client. We do this by acting as project managers during the project. This entails that we keep in touch with our student consultants, allowing us to tackle potential challenges directly and check the contents of the project before it arrives at the client. During the project, there are evaluations with all parties, meaning that there are ample contant moments. In short, the difference with an intern is that an intern is looking to collect knowledge, while the student consultants we provide apply their knowledge to a company.


4. What are your costs?

UniPartners works with a ‘fixed price, fixed service’ model. This means, the price of a project is based on the expertise of the required student and the amount of hours. Furthermore, UniPartners is a non-profit organisation and with the proceeds of our projects, we pay our students.

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